Bishop McDermott will celebrate the Mass at 9:00 AM in the upper church on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 28. Parishioners may bring nonperishable food items to donate to the North End Food Pantry on North Avenue. The Pantry also will accept money contributions. Please write checks to the Cathedral of St. Joseph, with a memo note, "Food Pantry". There is no 12:05 PM Mass Thanksgiving Day.
In the tradition of our Catholic faith, a Mass intention is made to offer prayers for the repose of the souls who have died, for the living, or for a special need. Each Mass offering is $10. Please send your request and stipend payment to the Parish Office, or call to request a Mass.
Joseph’s House, the Cathedral parish's outreach program, will purchase gift cards from Hannaford to help families or individuals who receive our assistance to buy food for their Thanksgiving dinner. This year, we expect to provide 100 Thanksgiving meals with $30 and $50 gift cards. Joseph's House appreciates any donation amount. Donations should be made before Friday, November 15, but are accepted after that date. Please make your check
payable to “Joseph House” and include the notation “Thanksgiving Outreach”. You can either drop it in the collection basket on the weekend (envelopes are located at the church entrance) or mail/bring it to the parish office at 113 Elmwood Ave., Burlington, VT 05401. Thank you for your great compassion and generosity.
Next Saturday night or next Sunday morning, turn your clocks back one hour to return to Standard Time. Paying attention to this fall change will help you arrive at Sunday Mass on time.