Msgr. will present a talk on Prayer at Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday, August 9. The weekly talks continue through August 30th, except July 26. The Society of Saint Edmund and Diocesan Priests are the speakers. The programs begin with 11:15 AM Mass followed by the priest's presentation. Lunch is available for purchase in the café, or you may bring your own picnic lunch to eat outside. All are welcome!
We say goodbye to our seminarian who served his summer assignment here at the Cathedral. Loc is taking a couple of weeks off, then returning to his priesthood studies at Mount St. Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg, MD. Our Cathedral Rector, Monsignor Routhier asks that we thank Loc for his service and pray for him and all of our seminarians.
Please consider donating the the Annual Appeal this date, to earn a matching contribution from the Vermont Catholic Community Foundation, which is offering $10,000 to match Appeal donations that day. Founder's Day marks founding of the Diocese of Burlington in 1853.
Deacon Dennis Moore will lead Bible study this summer Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:00 PM in the parish hall. The course, The Bible and Sacraments, begins June 7. This six-week video and discussion course is published by the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology in Steubenville, Ohio.
We will take up a collection at weekend Masses July 22 and 23 for flood relief through Vermont Catholic Charities. You may use envelopes at church, with checks made out to the parish, Cathedral of St. Joseph. You may write "Disaster Relief" on the Memo line. Catholic Charities will use the donations for emergency aid to recipients affected by the recent floods.
The Cathedral's Knights of Columbus DeGoesbriand Council 279 is giving $3,700 in baby supplies and money to the local Birthright emergency pregnancy agency as the Knights' ASAP (Aid and Support After Pregnancy) drive ends. The local campaign from May through Father's Day took in $2,600 in baby items and $700 in cash. With a grant from the Connecticut Supreme Knights Council, the local Knights are sending $3,700 to Birthright to help mothers with new baby supplies. Thank you to everyone who donated.
We regret to announce that our veneration event of the relics of St. Pio of Pietrelcina this Saturday, July 15th, has been CANCELLED. We are so sorry for any inconvenience this will cause. Unfortunately due to church damage and travel complications from flooding these events have been canceled. They will be rescheduled at a later date.