Joseph’s House will once again be offering a Thanksgiving Program to serve those who need a little extra to help make Thanksgiving a special and joyous day for their families. This year, we would like to help 75 families with their holiday dinner needs. Each family will receive a Gift Card from Hannaford’s to purchase a turkey and “trimmings”. Would you help Joseph’s House make 75 Thanksgiving celebrations possible this year? Any amount you can donate toward this program would be greatly appreciated. “You will be enriched in every way for great generosity which through us will produce thanksgiving to God; for the rendering of this service not only supplies the wants of the saints, but also overflows in many thanksgivings to God.” (2 Corinthians 9:11-12). Donations may be made anytime beginning now and throughout November. Envelopes are available for your convenience at the Church entrances. Checks should be made to: “Joseph House” and should include the notation “Thanksgiving”. Please feel free to either drop your envelope in the collection basket on the weekend or mail/ bring it to Joseph’s House directly at 113 Elmwood Avenue, Burlington, VT 05401. Thank you for your great compassion and generosity toward our brothers and sisters in Christ; may God bless you with an abundance of His bountiful grace! May you and your loved ones enjoy a blessed Thanksg